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Image by Austin Kehmeier

Why We Serve?

When asked what the greatest commandment is, Jesus answered with two: “You must love the Lord your God” and “You must love your neighbor as you love yourself” (Matthew 22:34-40). 


Following Jesus's call, founder of the early Methodist movement John Wesley taught us to grow in our faith by “doing good of every possible sort, and, as far as possible, to all” (General Rules).


Methodists around the world are active in our local communities, and through our global connection of congregations and agencies, we participate in ministries thousands of miles from where we live.

How We Serve

St. Stephens Society is the food pantry that serves those in need of assistance every Thursday of the month. (With the exception of 5th Thursdays.) The pantry is open from 9 a.m.-noon on Thursdays. Additionally, throughout the month, the St. Stephens Society has food deliveries that require volunteers to unload the deliveries and restock the shelves of the food pantry. Helping hands are welcomed.

The Shared Table is a nurturing ministry for members and friends of First Methodist Church who could use a “hug” in the form of a home cooked meal. Each Friday afternoon a group of church members meet and cook a special meal which is then delivered to members of the church who are struggling with illness, grief, or some other difficult time. In come cases young families who are welcoming home a new baby find a Shared Table volunteer at their door with hot food just in time for the evening meal.

The Adopt-A-School Program at church focuses on supporting three local schools: The Compass Center, Westside Elementary, and the Methodist Readiness School. Throughout the year, this program offers support through school supplies, snow cones, coffee (for the staff), warm socks or gloves during the winter, and more. The goal of this program is to offer support to our local teachers and offer resources to help education future generations.

Throughout the month, a group of members in our area gather together to build ramps for those in need through the Texas Ramp Project. Volunteers are always welcome to get their hands dirty and provide a means of mobility for others.

Three or four times a year, members from our church help serve at the HOPE Soup Kitchen. Additionally, our church partners with HOPE throughout the year to serve in various community events. 

Want to Serve?

We hope so! If you to serve in the ministries listed above or in areas such as children, youth or adult ministries, contact the church office at 903-586-2494

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