It’s HERE! Register your Kinder-4th grade student for Mini Methodists using this link: https://kideventpro.lifeway.com/myEvent/?id=69954
We start September 4th!! Please contact your child’s school as soon as they are registered to let them know your child will
ride the church bus on Wednesdays!!
We have some changes coming to make Mini Methodists even better, and we are excited to share them with your child.

Children's Ministry
The children’s ministry team at First Methodist Church is dedicated to offering a variety of opportunities for children to grow. Each ministry is designed to meet children where they are in all areas of their development.
Nursery (Ages 0-2 Years)
The nursery is a place for young children to grow and learn at church. Our qualified staff and church volunteers work to build and safe and loving environment for our children. Nursery is provided during the Sunday school and worship times.
Sunday School
Sunday school is provided for children ages three years old through fourth grade. The Sunday School teacher for each class offers fun and interesting lessons that help children connect and learn about God’s word and how it applies to their life.
Children's Church
Children ages three years through fourth grade are invited to join us in children’s church following the children’s sermon during worship. This program is designed to provide children with a worship experience created just for them.
This program is for children in first through fourth grade. On Wednesday afternoons children are picked up from school and brought to the church. Once here they take part in food, fellowship, and fun! Parents pick children up at 5 p.m. at the church.