Moving Forward as a
Global Methodist Church

After 40 days of prayer, discernment and communication, First Jacksonville UMC had a Church Conference last Saturday September 24th. District Superintendent Charles Anderson presided. 83% of the professing members in attendance decided to disaffiliate from The United Methodist Church, and to join the Global Methodist Church. So we are moving on.
Not much will change really. Only the denomination we are in association with. Rev. Patrick Evans and Rev Sarah A. Odom will continue serving as our pastors. There will be sign changes and a name change. There will be some paperwork and apportionments to pay.
Beginning January 1st we will be affiliated with the Global Methodist Church and will own our church property. But our doctrine, preaching, teaching, theology, and practice of hospitality and disciple-making will remain the same.
We are disciples of Jesus Christ. Jesus is calling. People need the Lord.
We are moving on. We hope you will move on with us!
Pictures from the
2023 Convening Conference of the
Eastern Texas Conference